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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Age of Upheaval

The Age of Upheaval, 1960-74
1.      The authors give five reasons why Nixon was “doomed to fail” in his presidential campaign. What were they? Pg. 668
2.      Describe the Kennedy “silver spoon.” Pg. 670
3.      What was Kennedy’s tie to the mafia? Pg. 671
4.      Discuss the “Bay of Pigs” or the “Cuban Missile Crisis”. Pg. 671-672
5.      What were Kennedy’s goals and objectives with space exploration? Pg. 674
6.      Define “trickledown economics”. Pg. 675
7.      How did the Vietcong guerrillas ensure that life did not improve for refugees pouring into the south? Pg. 676
8.      What blame does JFK bear for Vietnam? Why? Pg. 678
9.      Why did Lee Harvey Oswald want to assassinate JKF? Pg. 680
10.   What was the “Warren Commission”? Pg. 680
11.   How was LBJ chosen to be the vice president? Pg. 681
12.   What infiltrated the black protest and MLK’s fight using righteous indignation and non-violence? Pg. 685
13.   What were the immediate results of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Pg. 686
14.   What happened to “the Black Panthers”? Pg. 687
15.   How did LBJ’s “Great Society” cripple and enslave the black community? Pg. 687-689
16.   Compare LBJ’s treatment of Ho Chi Minh to Obama’s treatment of Ghaddafi or Islam extremists. Pg. 690
17.   LBJ never called for a formal declaration of war on the Vietcong. Why? Pg. 691
18.   How effective was McNamara’s strategy of “Rolling Thunder”? Pg. 692
19.   Describe the “Tet Offensive.” How was it perceived by U.S. citizens? Why? 694
20.   Define “Hawks” and “Doves” Pg.696
21.   How have unions changed since Vietnam? Pg.696
22.   How did “Baby Boomers” change the dynamics of American education?
23.   What was the “Port Huron statement”? How did it foment student riots? Pg. 699
24.   How did the communist threat infiltrate American colleges and universities? Pg. 700
25.   Woodstock…. Gives us pause to be grateful for a) strict parents, b) being too young, c) taking too many baths, d) being boring right-wing establishment types, e) all of the above.
Pg. 700-707
26.   What policies showed the “right wing” side of Nixon? Which showed the “left wing”? Pg. 708
27.   What have been the long-term effects of Nixon’s EPA and OSHA? Pg. 709-710
28.   How did Nixon aid in the destabilization of the dollar? What were the effects? Pg. 710
29.   Who were the “Weathermen”? What were their goals” Pg. 712
30.   Watergate was merely a “gotcha” or a catalyst in Nixon’s impeachment hearings. What really forced him to resign as president?  (see #1 also!)Pg. 718-719

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