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Sunday, September 12, 2010

More Chapter one info...

So the Europeans wanted to jump on the "let's go to America" bandwagon. Spain was a super powerhouse, but they believed in mercantilism which nearly destroyed them. They amassed a bunch of gold bullion that they basically hoarded. Then during storms, their ships sunk or were held up by pirates. These included Sir Francis Drake who I think was over 14 years old, weighed more than 37 lbs., and was macho; not unlike Jack Sparrow of Pirates of the Carribean. Not to be confused with today's pirates of Somalia which really have been mistaken as sparrows. The French had a little better luck at first. The Huguenots, those born during the Protestant Reformation, fled to America to get away from the evil Catholic government who thought the Protestants were evil also and ordered the extermination of 12,000 of them in Vassy, France. Definately, one of the Top Ten Reasons to "flee". They first settled in Quebec but it was too cold. They then went to South Carolina where it was too hot. Then they settled St. Augustine, Florida where it was just right! (see "Goldilocks; Spanish or French?")  Incidently, St. Augustine was settled by the Spanish.
    England was way behind until Queen Elizabeth took the throne in 1576. She commissioned Sir Walter Raleigh to get over there and establish some settlements in her name.  He settled Roanoke, Virginia where the first European was born. Little Virginia Dare. Mrs. Sir Walter Raleigh threw her the first baby shower where they played insipid lame-o baby shower games. Unfortunately, the indiginous people (Indians) became hostile and slaughtered all the settlers wait a sec... oh yea... after Raliegh returned to the settlement from England, the settlement was still there but all the people had mysteriously disappeared. Only the word "Croatoan" was carved in a tree nearby, which we now know means "for cute!" Roanoke became known as "The Lost Colony". Actually "Croatoans" were the Roanoke Indians; some were cute, some weren't. Did the Indians carry all the settlers and would-be baby shower attendees away??

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